Treatment went well this morning and his skin is making more and more progress. Today we saw Dr. B again and Dr. Elizabeth and they both are happy with the progress. They said to keep up the good work and hopefully the redness will fade soon. As soon as everyone laid eyes on him, we started the first soak and wet wrap. I also used this time to work on school since he is all wrapped up and can't do much. :) The photographer came in today and made some pictures of his skin and said that she will come again on Friday to do the final ones. During the day today, Bailey also got to try to challenge his allergy to wheat. He has tested allergic several times and this time his reaction to the tests were small...but they wanted to challenge to see if it was a false positive. We agreed because opening up wheat for us would make life so much easier. We started by taking his vitals and having the kitchen send up a small slice of wheat bread and he took one bite. We waited 20 minutes and then they took his vitals and a breath tests to see how strong he could breathe. He passed with flying colors, so they had him finish the slice and wait another 20 minutes. Again, they took his vitals and repeated the breathing tests. PASSED AGAIN! After and hour they let him eat a plain donut to see if there were any reactions...we patiently waited and he was prepared for throwing up and nervous a little too. The nurse came in and said he was all clear and we waited an hour to make sure for any delayed reactions. He is still doing 2 long soaks, wet wraps and the strongest steroid ointment. They said when they see a total clearing, they will step him down to a lower medication. He is almost there. Some of his sores were so deep, they still have an open place about the size of a pin head. They said they should close soon. Around 4pm they let us leave for a few hours and we had reservations at the Downtown Aquarium. Bailey had a great time, but it was the tiniest aquarium I have ever been to. It took us only about 40 minutes from start to finish. Chattanooga had us spoiled. It was free for Ronald McDonald guests, however, so we enjoyed it!

The aquarium had a family of tigers..not sure why, but they were pretty. |
this tank had nemo fish and dori fish :) |
The floor had holes so the fish could swim under you! |
After the aquarium, we went next door to Bailey's favorite kind of store....the REI store. He loves any outdoor places, so this is one place that was on his list of things to do. Denver is their "flag ship" store, so it was huge! 3 stories to be exact. We spent quite a while looking around.
After our purchase of a boomerang and some gummy bears....we went driving towards 16th street mall (which is a street closed off to traffic with lots of stores downtown) and found the Elitch Gardens Theme Park. He had found this online before we came, so it was neat to see it in person. Unfortunately, it was closed. Of course, we cracked a few National Lampoon's Jokes as we turned around in the empty parking lot.
Downtown is so busy and pretty hard to drive around. None of the roads are normal, they have weird turning lanes, and you share with the trains, buses and taxis. It is definitely an experience. (Bailey says scary too)

By the time we made our lap through downtown, it was time for dinner. He was craving the noodles we had from Noodles and Co. the other night, so we drove back towards Colfax Ave. He loves the Pasta Fresca with chicken and for $4.49....where else can you get a healthy dinner? We finished the night off by heading back to the hospital and taking a soaking bath and getting in his wet wrap for the night. We bundled up and headed back to the RMH for some sleep. It was a long, tiring day, but we had a great time. I have decided to do my writing at the hospital during the day, instead of staying up late at night at the RMH. It already feels like we aren't sleeping, we are waking up at the equivalent of 5am our time and staying up later is making it worse. I got an extra hour of sleep by writing this the next day :) I usually have a little extra time when he is in his first soak. For the next few days, that is probably what I will do. Have a great day!! Rejoice in what the Lord has made!
Until tomorrow........